Monday, March 23, 2009


I apologize for nearly three weeks of silence out there. I don't know if it was midterm fever or what, but March has meant being up to my ears in something at all times.
  • I submitted three essays to contests this month, with one more to go, and it needs the most work.
  • My grandmother passed away a couple weeks ago.
  • I took in a stray kitty only to find out he had FIV and had to be put down.
  • I submitted an essay a little over a week ago to be workshopped today and have another due in two weeks.
  • I have a big presentation Thursday in my craft class.
  • This last week was spring break but I lost most of it to errands, family issues, and to driving up to Phoenix to spend the day with my mom. I say "lost" just meaning that it wasn't productive. There was a lot of fun, too, though.
  • I haven't had any time to crochet outside of my weekly group, and since I spend most of that helping my girlfriends, I really haven't been producing at all.
This last crochet circle, I managed to get a couple inches of a scarf done, and it's highly portable, so I'm hoping after March wraps up, I'll be able to take it around and work on it more. I liked the stitch so much, I redesigned the front of a top I've been working on for a while. I made myself work on it while I watched a movie over the weekend. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll get to pick it up again until crochet circle on Thursday.

The hat is also languishing. I think I added one to two rows a week this month, so it's in the home stretch if - and this is a big IF - the crown works out. If not, I'm likely just going to frog it back to there and make a slouchy cap out of it. Which will be cute, but not what I was intending. Know that feeling?

I hope to be better about blogging in the next few weeks, but it's also the worst part of the semester, so I can't make any promises. For now, off to work on my astronomy homework!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like things have really been insane! I'm so terribly sorry to hear about your grandmother. Take care of yourself...
