- I submitted three essays to contests this month, with one more to go, and it needs the most work.
- My grandmother passed away a couple weeks ago.
- I took in a stray kitty only to find out he had FIV and had to be put down.
- I submitted an essay a little over a week ago to be workshopped today and have another due in two weeks.
- I have a big presentation Thursday in my craft class.
- This last week was spring break but I lost most of it to errands, family issues, and to driving up to Phoenix to spend the day with my mom. I say "lost" just meaning that it wasn't productive. There was a lot of fun, too, though.
- I haven't had any time to crochet outside of my weekly group, and since I spend most of that helping my girlfriends, I really haven't been producing at all.
The hat is also languishing. I think I added one to two rows a week this month, so it's in the home stretch if - and this is a big IF - the crown works out. If not, I'm likely just going to frog it back to there and make a slouchy cap out of it. Which will be cute, but not what I was intending. Know that feeling?
I hope to be better about blogging in the next few weeks, but it's also the worst part of the semester, so I can't make any promises. For now, off to work on my astronomy homework!
It sounds like things have really been insane! I'm so terribly sorry to hear about your grandmother. Take care of yourself...