Saturday, February 14, 2009

Weekend thrown all outta whack

All my plans for yesterday and today have gotten thrown askew. I intended to work hard yesterday before some evening plans with friends but instead spent the day hunting for my lost wallet and retracing my steps from the day before. So far - to no avail.

As you know, I'd also hoped to refashion those pants this morning, but alas, I'm wallet hunting until I find it (or have to leave at noon), and because of girly V-Day plans and a lot of Monday homework, I likely won't have time fir the pants until next weekend. With any luck I can finish the hat (v 2.0) and see if this tweak worked in the next couple days.

Hope you're having an excellent weekend. Happy <3 Day!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. Oh, NO! I hope you found it without too much more trouble -- I hate losing my wallet.
