Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The Hold Up
I wanted to post once to announce the opening of the store, and a second post to vent. Well, vent may not be the right word, but explain isn't quite right either.
I would have more stock ready - including two more sets of coasters that as you might remember from a preview shot are already done - except for two big hiccups.
Hiccup the First - painting my room
I had to move my furniture all around to paint, including moving a whole bunch of personal items into bags and piles both in my closet and elsewhere around the house. No big deal, except that two coasters have gone missing - wha? you ask! That's what I said! - and the other set of four got crunched and linty. So, I'm considering taking all of those to Felt Town as swatch experiments, but we'll see once the room is all put back together.
I can hear your eyebrows going up. Back together? Alas, the painting is not complete, you see, because of...
Hiccup The Second - the flu(?)
One morning last week I woke up feeling like I'd been beaten. I knew instantly I was sick, but it wasn't until I stood up to go to the bathroom that I realized how sick. The doors to the two rooms are practically adjacent, but I didn't even make it the ten feet from the bed to the bathroom before I nearly passed out. Insert image of me laying on the bathroom floor for ten minutes... and not for the last time over the next few days. I was never actually sick, but I was so dizzy and weak that I stayed in bed for two full days, and I couldn't even crochet. So out the window went crafting, reading, writing, and painting - the only things on my otherwise wonderfully-cleared agenda. As a result, it's been the catch-up game ever since.
Nonetheless, I didn't let it stop me from opening the store. I'm hoping to add photographs and patterns within the coming weeks. Please take a look!
T minus Nada - Etsy Store Launched!
There are four items - three scarves and a set of coasters - currently in stock, but there will be more on the way shortly. Please take a little poke around and let me know what you think! It's just one click!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Where's My Plate Under All This Stuff?
All The Things I would like to be working on that I put on my mental calendar as "things I would do Friday morning", before I discovered that my mental calendar apparently does not actually know how long a morning is or understand the fundamental nature of time:
- paint my room (finished the dining room a couple days ago and this is my last responsibility on that front)
- wrap up etsy stock prep (photograph, document, write descriptions for, price, etc. what's done for my launch, part of which included going for prints of some photographs I was going to sell)
- launch etsy store... (Yeah, this isn't happening... I see that now.)
- query the next three agents on my list
- answer the emails from my new writing buddies
- laundry
Wow, there are even a couple other little things, but the more I think about what I want to do with etsy, the more I think I won't try to rush it. In fact, I'm going to set a launch date and then spend a little bus time today planning how I'll be sure to meet that date.
January 27th - a Tuesday - Jennie Mac Crafts opens.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Writing Partner
I was pondering this as I began working on some blog posts, a couple photo essays, and the last of my etsy stock. Pondering, pondering... and suddenly it occured to me that there were ways to get some feedback. I don't have the time or money to join something like the RWA, and the Word Nerd Co-op sadly seems to have gone under, but I decided to take their idea, and their questionnaire, and see if anyone who reads my blog or who posts on NaNoWriMo forums might be interested in a mini-workshop/partnership.
So here I go:
1. At what level would you describe yourself as a writer (for instance, just starting to take myself seriously; searching for a graduate program, etc.)?
I’m in the U of Arizona MFA program. I wrote sporadically for fun and extensively academically for the last eight years, but I’ve only been writing what I’d really like to for about fifteen months.
2. What genre(s) do you write?
I’m currently starting a collection of essays to bridge the gap between my experience in the heritage industry and my interdisciplinary interests. I also have two novels completed (one needs thorough revision), and another half-done novel on a back burner until I'm ready for it as a writer.
3. How do you fit writing into your life right now?
I am doing my best to write daily, though it may be journalling (which eventually becomes essays but is still, for now, journalling) or it may be work on something in progress or something new. It's also a lovely excuse to go to a café, and vice versa.
7. What writing craft books do you have/like?
Writers on Writing, Portable MFA, King's On Writing...
8. Any craft books you’re interested in checking out?
I have The Right to Write but haven't started it yet, and a book on characterization, the title of which escapes me.
9. What inspires your writing?
Fiction - two things. One, I just find it fun. I think there's a lot of value in a book as entertainment in today's fast-paced world. Two, I like books that get me thinking about the nature of the world and the universe, and ultimately, that's what I would like my "serious" or literary works to do. Nonfiction - it varies. Sometimes it's a personal story I need to get out there; other times, I have something persuasive to say.
10. How would your author’s blurb read?
Jennie McStotts worked as an attorney and college professor for five years before realizing that a paycheck isn't everything. Fortunately for her, writing is not a jealous mistress and took her back with open arms. (Donations accepted.)
11. Tell us about your family (partners, kids, pets, etc.)
One husband, currently separated (AZ and NY), no kids, one dog (with me) and five cats (with him).
12. Have you ever participated in Nanowrimo (finished or not!)?
I started and finished both 2007 and 2008. Woot!
13. What can you do to make it easier on yourself to meet your goal for this project?
I hope that finding someone who shares my love of genre fiction to discuss writing will help. I feel a bit closeted and unable to disclose my secret to my MFA classmates, as much as I trust them with my nonfic.
14. What are you looking for in terms of support from a writing partner (ex. Exchanging work for critique, being held accountable for meeting a word count goal, etc.)?
Yes. I'm open to negotiation on this, but regular meetings, exchange of work, etc.
15. What crafty pursuits do you enjoy when you’re not writing?
16. What other hobbies/past times do you like?
Crochet and photography, primarily, but also other things. (More to come in 2009.)
Would anyone be interested in an e-exchange of writing, or is there anyone who lives in Tucson looking for a buddy?
Friday, January 9, 2009
Global Warming and a little Etsy Preview
Speaking of froggy, I recently frogged the two panels of a sweater sort of thing I began when I first started trying to design for the loom. It probably would have worked, but it never would have fit me (I hadn't really gotten "gauge" yet and it was wide). I think I can put the yarn to better use now.

In the meantime, I'm trying to enjoy this inimitable Tucson January - hot outside in a T-shirt at 11 a.m.? Yep! I think I may use my new folding chair to crochet outside tomorrow morning. Oooh, that sounds lovely. I'm excited just thinking about it. My next post will be about some goodies I've sort-of inherited related to crafting.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful first week of the new year!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Well-used Yarn
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Sunday, January 4, 2009
Miserable Sick
For New Year's I enjoyed a lovely evening out to hear some odd bands (Bob Log III being the main act) with some great friends, one of whom was just getting over an odd cold. (She started with fatigue and aches, then switched to sore throat and then to sneezing, which is the opposite of most folks experiences, I think.) I went home and woke up the next day with a sore throat, but I wasn't worried at first. I was still well enough to go running errands most of January second, but I spent yesterday in bed except to eat, which is big for me. My plan HAD been to go to a coffee shop and post great crafty goodness for you all.
Ah, the joys of sinus pressure and congestion, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, popping and ringing ears, and fatigue... I feel like a cold medicine commercial. A friend offered to bring me meds yesterday, but I declined, thinking I was well-stocked with my brand new Sudafed, DayQuil and Delsym. Turns out I used my last dose of NyQuil last night and only have four cough drops remaining, thanks to my house mate. Meh. I'm wondering if I can make the walk to the pharmacy... Okay, really, I'm wondering if my friend will offer again if I make my facebook status pathetic enough.
And how does all this affect my crafting? Well, yesterday I was too tired to do anything but sleep and read. I'm hoping today I can get some work done on stock prep. The weather is awfully dark for photographs, but if nothing else I have some felting to do. We'll see how that goes.
I just realized I may not have enough milk for cereal for breakfast and not much else to eat. I may actually have to come out and ask for help. Crazy talk! Ooh! Wait - I have pie. Everything will be fine.
P.S. I think it's awesome that my spell check tried to make 'DayQuil' into 'tequila'. May be Fate trying to tell me I'd sleep better drunk than I did last night.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
My name is Jennie, and I'm - as the about-the-blog says - a writer, crocheter, photographer, and general all-around crafter. I've recently started a new phase in my life and in my crafting, hence the new blog! Part of this new phase is a new transparency, so in that vein, you can also find me:
- At my old blog: No Tension Knits
- At my old design blog: No Tension Designs
- On Twitter: JennieMcStotts
- On Ravelry: JennieMac
- On NaNoWriMo: JennieMac
- And on Etsy: JennieMacCrafts
Part of my reasoning for starting up a new blog rather than continuing the old is that NTK was named for the reason I started crafting, not the reason I keep crafting. When I began, with loom knitting, I was looking for something to occupy my brain and my hands when my stress and tension got out of control. Long time readers of NTK might remember that I was stumped when my doctor asked me what my hobbies were. Hobbies? Who has hobbies?
Honestly, I'm still not sure I have hobbies. Creating things - whether designs or essays - has now become an integral part of my life that has sustained me and pulled me through a number of major changes in the last year. My goal with this blog is going to be to let my inner-crafter loose to talk about my craft process - especially when it fails! - and my changing life, as well as to explore craft and creation as a process.
A favorite writing professor of mine says, "Don't waste my journey without revealing yours." At the end of reading an essay (or a blog post), he says, the reader is twenty minutes closer to death. Was that time spent worth it?